Saturday, March 21, 2015

A good day indeed...

In the past two days I have finally been able to mark in the completed column. The top two of the "least favorite things in the world I live in.  That would have me procrastinate until I have no other choice but to take action. The dreaded shopping and going to the dentist.
Both have been a long time coming. For over 9 months I found/made excuses putting in the back of my "to do list". I wish I could say that acceptance brought me to the front doors of these institutions.  I was kicking and screaming throughout the process. At least internally. If I had acted out my resentments for all to see? Only two outcomes could I be certain would befall me. A mental institution or jail.

I had to purchase shoes, coat hangers, another toaster,computer stuff and a pair of shorts to put on when I have unexpected guest. I never wear clothes at home. It is the first thing to go. Even before the door closes.

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