Saturday, October 4, 2014

Who are you?

A question I would never expect a young adult to answer or have the answer to.  when the question was posed to me 20 or so odd years ago. It took me a few weeks to have an answer that I was satisfied with, along with my therapist.

Another way of looking at this question is what defines you? For some it's easier to say what does not. An example to this would be. " my job is not who I am it is simply something that I do".

Allowing yourself to be defined by one particular thing the extremely dangerous. Especially if this one thing happens to be your job. What would one do if there job is lost? In extreme cases we see people jumping out the window.

The best answer you may be able to come up with is "I do not know".

To that I say congratulations and good journey.  May you never reach your destination.

Buster Sly.

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