Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Is it better to understand or be understood?

I had recently wrote about being on the receiving end of a predator who committed what I would have once thought of as an unthinkable act against another human being.

Know thine enemy.  I have much compassion for people who are stuck in a cycle where in their mind. They remain the victim. We all know someone of this character trait. At one end of the spectrum, you have a person who does not harm anyone but themselves. Never able or willing to see any part that they might play interacting with others. If a person never at fault or put another way. If they always blame people, places and/or things? Then by default they are perfect.
If you can agree with me on my reasoning? Then you will understand my compassion even for people who have raised their hands against me.  Fear prevents them from moving forward. There will be no growth in mind and soul.  A rigid belief system that can never be challenged. They do not see the trap they have made for themselves.  Forever to repeat the same life lessons until the day they die. Resentful of others who continue to move on in their life journey.
I would never put myself deliberately in harms way. I am simply saying my compassion extends even to people who are stuck in a hell of their own creation.

The difference is clear to me. We can chose to be fearless or allow fear to run our lives.

Being fearless does not mean, one is without fear. My definition: Allowing it to pass through you...where only you remain. (A take on Dune the book yes I am a nerd).

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