Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Ignorance/stupidity...on one of my sites i was condemned for working in the adult entertainment industry, being too old, and a few other colorful words. I respect the fact that this person did not feel the need to hide behind a profile, that allowed him the freedom anonymity. I can only hope that he believed in everything that he wrote. As was made quite clear to me by my friend, I am older. My response was a simple "bless you heart and thank you for your comment". I have been ignorant of many things and likely to be in the near future. I am also very grateful of the patience afforded to me by my peers,family,friends and total strangers. There is a saying in a fellowship that i rarely if ever mentioned in the past. It goes something like this "you can not keep what you have unless you give it away". Can not get much simpler than that. My job is not what defines me. It is not who I am, it is simply what I do. Which brings me to stupidity. It would have been stupid for me to respond in any other way than with compassion and tolerance because I know there is a better way.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy you handled that coward the way you did, and you didn't let him get to you. Your reply was very fittin and it showed how much of a mature and better person than you are.


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