Just recently I was made aware not to use plastic containers when heating food in the microwave. My mother, who has cancer, shared this information with me. Query, why have I not heard of such a thing? Has anyone heard a peep from the FDA in recent years? What do these things have in common?
The FDA has been rendered toothless by politicians who have lost their way. When they (politicians) chose not to allocate funds to an agency whose sole purpose is to ensure the products "We The People" consume are safe. While assuring us, the corporations have our best interest at heart and will do the right thing. Look no further than the following links. The fox is not only in the hen house, he is at present time the leader of the most powerful country in the world.
Look around you. The person next to you is not the enemy. He is not the one who has a peculiar accent. It is not the woman wearing a hijab/niqab. The black guy walking down the street is not the one passing laws to make continued education unattainable for the majority of "We The People".
My definition of fearless does not mean one who is absent from fear. It is the ability to see clearly through the fog of fear. The actions taken in such a state are rational ones filled with compassion, empathy, and truth.
Well said chap!