Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"We The People"

If "We The People" want to make this country great again? Let us revisit campaign reform. When we force politicians to raise obscene amounts of money just to be considered a contender. The politicians stop listening to us. They are beholden to the people who donated large sums of money to get them elected. "We The People" become passive passengers. If we ever were in the driver's seat. That time has surely gone. We are being attacked by the very people who profess to have our interest at heart. Our politician's actions speak volumes.
Continued Education is already out of reach for many Americans who simply want a better way of life. Soon only the elite uber-rich will be the only ones able to attend Universities.
Privatising prisons, what idiot thought that was a good idea. It is in the best interest of the shareholders to keep the prisons full. Adding insult to injury is the increased burden placed on the families who can least afford to pay artificially inflated items made available to the inmates. Which in turn fatten the pockets of the shareholders. Resources once used to put food on the table and clothe their children.
Defanging Federal Agencies whose sole purpose is to ensure that the products we consume are not harmful to us. Recent history tells us. Businesses will do the right thing in the absence of oversite. It, unfortunately, tends to be the right thing for them not "We The People"
There is a war going on here at home. It is one that has been in the making for some time now. Our privacy and freedom to go where we chose to remain under siege. Diminished in the name of Homeland Security. Do not be fooled by their slight of hand. Fear is the enemy it is the go to a tool used by the would-be elite continues to use. Remaking the landscape of the United States with systems in place to prevent any upward mobility for those who only want for their children to have a better life than them.

picture was taken by Andrew Adam Caldwell

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